Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Raw And Uncut Video

This is a video of the conflict that happends everyday in Somalia between the two powers fighting to eliminate eachother.

Lieutenant Muse Sudi Yalahow

Believe it or not this man is one of the most notorious warlors in Somalia nd in 1994 we sent US army rangers to find and kill him we failed.

Pirate collage

These are just a collage of somali pirates while hijacking ships.


The Somali pirates have been around since the time of the odyssey. The activities of the pirates started from a group of poor Somali citizens. In fact the Somali pirates have been organized before the odyssey. After those pretty awesome facts you will learn about the history of the conflict. Also you will learn about possible solutions to the piracy problem. The solutions were made up from the EU (European Union) and the UN (United Nations) security council. It was mainly the European Union because of Russia and China both supplying weapons to both side. Also you may learn some new information that you never knew about the Somali pirates and what their fighting over. Also why they are fighting for the power of all the land and how many warlords there is in Somalia, also the fact why they divided into two groups.

Activity of attacks.

This map shows the rise in activity of attacks from Somali Pirates.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Basic Info

   The country now known as Somali wasn’t always a major pirate country. In late 1800’s to mid 1900’s Somalia used to be a stable country. It all changed when Italy and Britain were fighting over Somali or “Somaliland” as it used to be called. After WWII the Italians had control of Somalia. In early 1950’s the Somali citizens revolted against the Italian government. Later in 1991 the Somali government collapses and sends the whole country into civil war. The cause and effect of the war was two warlords wanted control over Somalia, and the effect was the war caused a country-wide famine.

History Of The Conflict

   The Somali piracy problem hasn’t always been as high as it is right now. In the early 1950’s the land now known as Somalia was originally a protectorate of Britain called Somaliland. The citizens of present day Somalia rebelled and gained independence from Britain in late 1956. But before they rebelled against Britain they had to fight of the Italians and British caused by an on and of war against the two powers. In 1981 a group of Isaaq immigrants living in London formed the Somali National Movement was later to become the leading insurgent group in Somalia. All the Somali National Movement tried to accomplish was to impeach Siad Barre’s dictator ship. It was three years later that the ex-spokesman went insane and declared war on another warlord.The citizens also had a democratically elected government. The citizens elected Abdi Rashid Ali Shermarke as president (www.bbc.co.uk).